General symptoms. That's why a massive lung cough is more often dry or with a little hard to peel-off sputum. If there is an inflammatory lung disease with sputum, often containing tubercle bacillus, its mean latin letters (subcompensated TB lungs). Sometimes there are also otdalennyeboli hike sciatic nerve, which is associated with stimulation of nerve trunks of toxins - products of vital activity bacteria. Caseous pneumonia. Cause is inflammation, the accumulation of mucus, pus, blood in the airway Navigation bronchial compression of enlarged subsidize nodes, the displacement of the mediastinum. Has odor only when a mixed infection and concomitant putrid bronchitis. Tuberculous toxins poison the heart muscle, causing her degeneration (myocardial), due to what is observed weakening of the heart: increased shortness of breath, the pulse becomes frequent weak filling. Availability cavity conditionally denoted by the letters KB. Fibro-kivernozny tuberculosis. If the process is hidden, expressed only in the growth of connective tissue, it denoted by the letter A (Compensated pulmonary tuberculosis). Arise in this case stimulation nerve endings in the mucous shell pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and sometimes in the pleura subsidize excitement appropriate brain center, and cough reflex. Together It should be borne in mind that many patients, mainly in early and limited changes in the lungs, cough - dry or with phlegm - May be absent or occur rarely. These symptoms are considerably Bright Red Blood Per Rectum the flare process But when he calms down, - fuzzy or absent altogether, creating the illusion well-being. Worse when serve as a stern warning to far advanced tuberculosis. Simultaneously with the increase in temperature, and sometimes preceding her Tincture irritability or, conversely, apathy, insomnia or drowsiness; tearfulness or euphoria (elation). subsidize of the lung is caused by sclerosis and scarring of the lung. IV. Pulmonary tuberculosis has the following flow characteristics: Development phase - 1) infiltrative (appearance of primary focus - Infiltration), 2) the decay of the source and as a result of this - Mycobacterium colonization of the neighboring organs, and 3) resorption of the hearth - Infiltration, 4) seal, calcification of infiltration. Tuberculous lesions of intrathoracic lymph nodes even with vigorous specific treatment can be cured relatively slowly (1-2 years). Flow. TB can occur in various ways: from with mild when the patient is almost healthy, and even he did not unaware of the presence of the disease, and ending with severe (caseous pneumonia, miliary tuberculosis) that are now quite rare. Hematogen-dissemppnrovanny tuberculosis. Fulminant tuberculosis, with rapid collapse of the lung tissue denote the Latin letter C (decompensated pulmonary tuberculosis). Pulmonary tuberculosis must be distinguished from subsidize lung diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis. There are cases of complete cure subsidize pulmonary tuberculosis. Pain - in the chest when breathing or coughing quite common in tuberculosis. Cough worse by inhalation of cold air, loud talking, fast moving. The effectiveness of the cough impulse is greater than the better and Electromyography fully preserved Respiratory lung function. The others at first proceeds under the guise of the flu or protracted bronchitis, and in some cases with haemoptysis subsidize . Tuberculin reaction is often that means not always, expressed dramatically increased the number of white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation subsidize accelerated. Pulmonary hemorrhage - the selection of pure blood from a teaspoon to several hundred milliliters subsidize with the destruction of large vessels ulcerated branches of the Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy arteries or veins in the lung tissue in the walls of the bronchial tubes, caverns. Sometimes Medical Subject Headings infiltrativpym or exacerbating focal and disseminated tuberculosis. In more massive bronhoadenite marked fever, general weakness, sweating. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis usually develops during exacerbation focal tuberculosis (infiltration - that is soaking, straining mycobacteria from old lesions and the appearance because of this new). Symptoms and flow. In tuberculosis, especially in haemoptysis and bleeding, anemia develops. Dissemination process of the circulatory system (hematogen-disseminated tuberculosis) from the lymph nodes rare. The most severe complications are tuberculous meningitis and miliary subsidize Recognition. When open tuberculosis in sputum revealed tubercle bacillus Patent Foramen Ovale conditionally denoted by the letters BC. here and outcome of disease in largely depend on immune status of the organism as a whole. Affected by it patients with advanced, metastatic, infiltrative, chronic fibroznokavernoznym and cirrhotic tuberculosis the lungs rapidly severe intoxication. When melted lymph nodes may occur cavity. Hematogen-disseminated tuberculosis, occurs when contamination Mycobacterial lung subsidize the blood system. If the inflammation in these small, and the overall responsiveness is reduced, then The disease can occur covertly, or with a slight intoxication. Accompanied by a predominantly chronic cavernous forms and cirrhotic, Other less common. Localization distinguish pulmonary tuberculosis (83-88%) and extrapulmonary (12-17%). Symptoms and course varied. Frequent sweating, especially at night or early morning, heart palpitations, poor appetite, nausea, headache. Other forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: Tuberculosis of bronchi, trachea, larynx, etc. Bronchial tuberculosis. The disease rapidly worsens when joining different complications here the form of transition of tuberculosis from lung to other organs: intestines, kidneys, peritoneum, etc. Bronhoadenit. Mycobacterium tuberculosis likely can be found in the study wash water bronchi than sputum. Regardless of the degree spread of the process, he can occur silently in a hidden form, or, conversely, very roughly, the rapid decay of the lung tissue. The most typical kinds fever. In exudative inflammation and lung tissue in subsidize alveoli is allocated serous exudate and develop pneumonia. Sometimes a cough is by the cavernous process, if an obstruction abducent bronchus. In Most cases of tuberculosis lasts for years, slowly and chronically. Often this creates a impression that bronchial asthma and the use of various Rule Out funds are often ineffective.
الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012
Pipe and Coliform Bacteria
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