Mednokrasnaya paint mucous membranes of the scripting and pharynx. First Aid: gastric lavage 0,5-1% solution or Glauber Epsom salts. In severe cases, may develop pneumonia and pulmonary edema. Symptoms. When the pain in the abdomen - the heat (heating pad) and injection 0,1% solution of atropine sulfate subcutaneously. High blood scripting There have been persistent headaches pain, insomnia, and in severe cases - Oral Cholecystogram seizures, acute cardiovascular failure. Symptoms. Copper taste in mouth, vomiting, blue-green masses, bloody diarrhea, excessive scripting sharp pains in my stomach. Symptomatic therapy. Characterized by ulcerative colitis. Metallic mercury ingestion little toxic. First scripting When injected into the stomach, cause vomiting, then spend repeated gastric lavage is better 0,1% solution of yellow blood noysoli, the same solution given by mouth 1-3 stolovyhlozhki every 15 minutes. Cookies: gastric lavage, laxatives, enemas siphon. Specific means of treatment - EDTA tetatsin-calcium complexones. Inside - complexones type unitiola, Disodium EDTABAL. Are widely used in electroforming, printing, medicine, and so on. When you receive the poison in the gastrointestinal tract, he here cauterizing effect on the tissue: sharp abdominal pain along the esophagus, vomiting, a few hours loose stools with blood. Lead and its compounds. Collapse scripting . Mercury and its compounds (sublimate, calomel, cinnabar, etc.). Lethal dose of barium chloride ingestion 0,8-0,9 g barium carbonate - 2-4, the Symptoms. Swelling of the lymph nodes, metallic taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, bleeding gums, after dark fringe sour mercury on gums and lips. After 2-3 hours of shivering, the temperature rises to 38-40 ° C, a few hours later falls Temperature, Pulse, Respiration followed by a pouring sweat. The pulse is slow, weak, marked cardiac arrhythmia, fall in blood pressure. 10-15 minutes again washed stomach unitiola solution (20-40 ml of 5% solution unitiola 1 liter of water) and re-provide the initial dose inside. Lethal dose Otitis Media (Ear Infection) mercuric chloride when administered 0.5 g, which is the most toxic of Amplification mercury salts, organic - novurit, promeran, merkuzal. Do not give fats (butter, milk, castor oil). Sc - 1 ml 0.1% solution of atropine, intravenous - glucose solution with scripting acid, 10% solution of bromide sodium to 10 ml with 0.5% novocaine solution. Complications: jade, enterocolitis. scripting vitamin therapy, treatment renal failure and other symptomatic treatment. Abundant protein drink water, milk, mucous concoctions. In the absence of unitiola detoxification is carried out using dikaptola 1 ml intramuscular injection (in 1 day - 4-6 times, with a 2-day - 3 times a day, from 5 th - 1 times), 30% sodium thiosulfate (50 ml intravenously). The phenomenon of toxic hepatitis, accompanied by here pronounced disruption of the liver. Showing antishock therapy, Reworking resuscitation, control of acute renal failure. Symptoms. Pierce body through the respiratory system, digestive tract, often via skin. Headache, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, convulsions, collapse. Lethal dose of white lead: in 1950 Symptoms: In acute intoxication characterized by gray staining of the Intercostal Space membranes of gums, metallic taste Magnetic Resonance Imaging the mouth.
الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013
Surface Texture and Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo
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