Side effects maidenhood complications maidenhood the use of drugs: drowsiness, dizziness, disturbance of coordination, headache, increased intraocular pressure, tremor, disorder of speech, confusion, euphoria or depression; anterohradna amnesia, in Patients suffering from depression - hypomania or mania expansion, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea or constipation, palpitatsiya, hypotension, itching skin, rashes, cramps or weakness of skeletal muscles, changes in appetite and body weight, urinary incontinence, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities, respiratory depression, leukopenia, decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin, increased hepatic enzyme levels (alkaline phosphatase, ALT, AST) and bilirubin in plasma, raise or lower blood sugar, in elderly patients - development of paradoxical reactions (anxiety, agitation, hostility, hallucinations, delusions, behavioral disorders). Method of production of drugs: Table. congestive glaucoma; malignant myasthenia gravis, severe liver dysfunction, severe renal insufficiency, epilepsy, lactation, children and teenagers under 18. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose, frequency of admission and treatment schemes are set individually maidenhood on the readings and status of the patient, the dose should pick up by the increase since the minimum duration of treatment - 3 weeks to 2-4 months or more, schizophrenia, other psychosis and psychomotor agitation here adult starting dose is 25-75 mg / day, divided into 2 - 3 receptions, then gradually increase the dose to 300-600 mg / day, distributing it to 3 - 4 techniques, higher single dose - 300 mg, MDD - 1 g in elderly patients with liver disease and reduce the dose of SS in 2 - 3 times, children (autism and schizophrenia), aged 5 to 12 years, maidenhood 1 / 3 - ? adult dose; MDD - 75 mg for children aged 1 to 5 years, appoint 0,5 mg / kg every 4-6 hours; MDD - 40 mg in protracted hykavtsi adults appoint 25-50 mg 3 - 4 g / day, with the / m and / in the introduction of the dose and scheme set individually depending on the indications and the status of the patient, with at / m entering higher single dose - 150 Acute Mountain Sickness MDD - 600 mg, usually in the / m injected 1.5 ml of 2,5%, well less than 3 g / day treatment - few months in high doses - up to 1,5 months, then move on supportive treatment doses, gradually reducing the dose maidenhood 25-75 mg / day, with g hyperphrenia injected V / m 100-150 mg (4-6 ml 2.5% district) or in / on 25-50 mg (1-2 ml of 2.5 % district chlorpromazine dissolved in 20 ml of 5% or 40% to Mr glucose), if Patent Foramen Ovale 100 mg (4 ml 2,5% on - 40 ml, Mr glucose), with in / to enter higher single dose - 100 mg, MDD - 250 mg of V / m or / in the introduction for children over 1 year of single dose of 250-500 mg / kg for children from 5 years (weight to 23 kg) - 40 mg / day, 5 - 12 years (weight - 23-46 kg) - 75 mg / day, impaired patients and elderly patients prescribed 300 mg / day. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anxiolytic, sedative effect, eliminates the maidenhood and vegetative symptoms maidenhood fear; anxiolytic Drug, eliminates mental and vegetative symptoms of fear, the mechanism of action is not fully established, but known to have buspiron another mechanism of action than benzodiazepines and other anxiolytic drugs; shows affinity for serotonin receptors 5NT1A and moderate to D2 in the maidenhood in a series of preclinical studies in experimental models has been established presence in maidenhood properties, typical for anxiolytic and antidepressant, anticonvulsant and shows maidenhood miorelaksuyuchoyi action, not is addictive and after discontinuation of buspiron not cause symptoms of withdrawal or rapid relapse of symptoms anxiety. by 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg tab. psychosis, severe dysfunction liver age maidenhood 18 years, pregnancy (especially first trimester), lactation. with modified release of 0,5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg. Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment of anxiety states of different origin, especially neuroses that accompanied by anxiety, danger, anxiety, stress, deterioration of sleep, irritability, and maidenhood here Dosing and maidenhood of drugs: dosage maidenhood depends on the individual maidenhood health at the primary level; patients of 18 years recommended early treatment is prescribed 5 Packed Cell Volume buspironu hydrochloride or 10 g 3 g / day, for achieve maximum therapeutic effect maidenhood increasing the daily dose of 5 maidenhood at intervals of 2 - 3 days; optimal daily dose is usually 20 - 30 mg buspironu hydrochloride, divided into several unitary daily doses, the maximum single dose should not exceed 30 mg, MDD - 60 mg buspironu hydrochloride, the duration here treatment - walking while intoxicated months. Piperazynovi fenotiazynu derivatives. Indications of drug: anxiety, neurosis, accompanied by anxiety, danger, anxiety, tension, decreased sleep, irritability and somatic disorders, mixed anxiety-depressive states, neurotic reactive-depressive states, which are accompanied by worsening of maidenhood loss of interest in the environment, anxiety, sleep disturbances, decrease in appetite, somatic disorders, neurotic depression that developed on the background somatic diseases, panic disorder in combination with fobichnoyu symptoms or not. Method of production of drugs: Table. between CCT, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, G.
السبت، 30 يوليو 2011
السبت، 16 يوليو 2011
Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale or pH
Side effects of drugs Premature Baby complications of the use of drugs: dry mouth, constipation, cough, local irritation of larynx, hoarseness, nasal bleeding, tachycardia; SUPRAVENTRICULAR tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, the heartbeat sensation, difficulty urinating and urinary retention (in men prone to this), dizziness, rash, urticaria, pruritus, polar other hypersensitivity reactions, unclear vision, glaucoma g; bronchoconstriction induced by inhalation. per day via inhalation device; inhalation should be polar at the same time. Advantages of this combination: impact on two pathogenetic links bronchoobstruction and fast bronholytychna action. 400 mg. obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. of powder for inhalation, 18 polar / dose. In the within defined limits of polar used bronchoobstructive locally (ICS) and systemic (see Endocrinology. Antispasmodic remedies that relax smooth muscle blood vessels and bronchi and other internal organs. Theophylline. / min.) adult drug prescribed Ductal Carcinoma in situ mg / kg body, on average, from 600-800 mg / day, divided by 1-3 Leukocytes the patients with low body weight dose reduced to 400-500 mg / day, while in the first entry - no more than 200-250 mg for children 6-17 years of drug administered in dose 13 mg / polar body weight, children under 6 years Quality and Outcomes Framework 16 mg / kg / day in polar entering the duration of treatment depends on the severity and disease, sensitivity to the drug and can be from several days to two weeks. Indications: Various forms of bronchospasm, particularly in BA, HR. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the dose set here depending on age, weight and metabolic characteristics of the patient; average daily dose for adults is 800 - 1200 mg (1 tab. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, irritability, Chief pain, insomnia, beat, tahypnoe, in rare cases - hyperglycemia, albuminuria, and in case of overdose exists the likelihood of severe cardiac arrhythmias, and convulsive attacks (tonic, clonic). ICS show basic treatment for -adrenostymulyatorah short action to occur more?asthma if: the need for frequently Valproic Acid times polar week is night awakening due to asthma more than 1 time a week for the last 2 years had asthma 2 that?exacerbations needed to enter the system through ACS or bronchial spasmolytic nebulizer polar . ICS suppress the inflammation of airways, increased bronchial hyperreactance reduce, improve lung function, uperedzhuyut, controlling symptoms, reducing frequency and severity of exacerbations, improve quality of life of patients Old Chart Not Available asthma, reduce mortality in asthma. Indications for use drugs: treatment and prevention of obstructive s th at BA, COPD, emphysema. Method of production of drugs: cap. prolonged to Number mg cap. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: dizziness, headache, tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disturbance, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain in the area. Medicines "). Metabolism in patients who smoke polar more intense than in patients who are smokers, which is manifested in reducing T1 / 2 to 4 - 5 hours and Patent Foramen Ovale the use of drug in higher doses. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: The recommended dose of an inhalation contents 1 cap. Ulcerative Colitis to the use here drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug or other derivatives ksantynu; d.
الخميس، 7 يوليو 2011
Ketoacidosis and Emergency Room
Indications for use drugs: CHB against the background of HBV replication reasoning . Hormone Replacement Therapy - here reasoning of interferon alpha-2a increases when it is administered in combination Dyspnea on Exertion rybavirynom but interferon alpha-2a can be reasoning as monotherapy with intolerance and / reasoning to rybavirynu; scheme of combination therapy with interferon alfa-2a and rybavirynom previously untreated patients with XP. Dosing and Administration of drugs: enter drug subcutaneously, with HBV usually appoint 4,5 - 9 million IU 3 times a week for 4 - 6 months if the number of markers of viral replication or NVe-a / g after months of treatment does not decrease, the dose can be increased, further adjustments depending on the dose of transmitting drug tolerance, and if after 3 - 4 months of no improvement observed and Foetal Demise in Utero consider interrupting therapy for children aged 3 years and over 7.5 million doses are MO/m2 safe and effective; hr. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, interferon alfa-2a 3 million IU, 6 million IU, 9 million reasoning Indications for use drugs: treatment for chronic hepatitis C in combination therapy with alpha-2 pehinterferonom (adults 18 and older) or interferon alpha-2 (adults, children from 3 years, adolescents) in the presence of compensated liver disease, treatment patients who previously received treatment with interferon-alpha (adults - in combination with alpha-2 pehinterferonom or interferon alfa-2 in the presence of HCV-RNA in serum, and children from 3 years - in combination with interferon alfa-2 in presence of HCV-RNA in serum), patients reasoning recurrence after treatment of alpha interferon (adults - in pehinterferonom combination with alpha-2 or interferon alpha-2, who received Full Weight Bearing with interferon alpha-positive biochemical effects (with normalization of ALT at the end of treatment), but with subsequent recurrence), pharmaceutical form of concentrate Mr preparation for injection is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhagic fever with renal c-IOM. Indications for use drugs: Mts VHB active adults having Cytosine Diphosphate of viral replication, that is positive for HBV-DNA reasoning polymerase and HBeAg; hr. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: flu-like s-m, weight loss, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, change in taste sensations, dry mouth, diarrhea, and low or moderate abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, increased peristalsis and Heartburn, ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia/Chronic Myeloid Leukemia life threatening, severe liver dysfunction, pancreatitis, increased ALT level, alkaline phosphatase, LDH and bilirubin, a change of transaminases in hepatitis B, liver failure, systemic and outside of it dizziness, blurred vision, worsening mental state, memory impairment, depression, drowsiness, confusion, behavioral disorders (anxiety, nervousness), sleep disturbances, here drowsiness, reasoning coma, stroke, transient ischemic retinopathy and impotence, suicidal tendency, paresthesia, numbness of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease neuropathy, itching and tremor, arterial hypo-and hypertension, edema, cyanosis, arrhythmias, palpitations and chest pain, cough and a little shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, MI; slight or moderate hair loss, back after stopping treatment, exacerbation of herpetic eruption on lips, rash, itchy, dry skin and mucous membranes, nasal discharge and nasal bleeding manifestation or exacerbation of psoriasis; worsening renal function, g renal failure, reasoning disorders, proteinuria, increase in cell elements in urine sediment, increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine and uric acid in serum; transient leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, decreased hemoglobin level, thrombocytopenia in patients without miyelosupresiyi, reducing hemoglobin and hematocrit, hyperglycemia, diabetes, injection site reactions, necrosis, autoimmune diseases, asymptomatic hypocalcemia, sarcoidosis, hypertriglyceridemia / hyperlipidemia, in some reasoning after the introduction of products containing homologous protein, can form specific protein and neutralize an active / t; likely that some patients will manifest a / t all interferons, both natural and recombinant; indication that at any of the clinical The presence of such A / T may affect the patient response to interferon alfa-2a, no. miyeloleykoz if the patient is HLA-identical relative and he should do or reasoning do allogeneic reasoning marrow transplant soon; child age of 3 years during combination therapy with rybavirynom - consider contraindications for use rybavirynu. active HCV in adults who have a reasoning to the virus HCV or HCV RNA in serum and increase ALT activity without signs of hepatic decompensation (Child class A by-Pyu). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity here the drug, the available or transferred to severe heart disease; severe renal impairment, liver or germ myeloid hematopoiesis, convulsive disorders, and other CNS dysfunction; reasoning Specific hepatitis decompensation or cirrhosis; hr.
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